TLMS - CAT4537E Messages in TLMS041 report
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TLMS - CAT4537E Messages in TLMS041 report


Article ID: 189541


Updated On:


TLMS Tape Management


What's the best action to correct these messages:

222222   SM VTX   DSN.G0698V00                           1   1  CAT4537E - LOCATION-ID ON VMF NOT ON RMF QUALIFIER RECORD

3333333   SM VTX   DSN.G0697V00                           1   1  CAT4537E - LOCATION-ID ON VMF NOT ON RMF QUALIFIER RECORD

4444444  SM VTX   DSN.G0696V00                           1   1  CAT4537E - LOCATION-ID ON VMF NOT ON RMF QUALIFIER RECORD




TLMS016 report should  be run to determine if there is an existing RMF rule coded for the data set in question.      

Since the tapes may be in offsite LOC, it should be able either add an RMF rule to have the tapes be moved back on site by coding a shorter retention rule or by updating the location field and manually move the tape from the offsite location back to the data center.