Starting Vtape's SVTS at IPL time.
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Starting Vtape's SVTS at IPL time.


Article ID: 189486


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


We are standardizing out IPL process.  What is the recommended process for starting  Vtape's  SVTS?  Should I use CAS9  or some automation product  like Control O?



Release : 14.0

Component : CA 1 Tape Management


Either way works. If you choose to have CAS9 start SVTS you would have add it to CAS9s CAUTOCMD member and it would need to start after your CA1 tape management product to ensure tape jobs are tracked.  If you use Control O you want to also ensure it starts SVTS after CA1 is active.