After performing a CA Endevor ELIB Adjust function, getting a C1LB801E error
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After performing a CA Endevor ELIB Adjust function, getting a C1LB801E error


Article ID: 189413


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Tried increasing the Pages using the Adjust function, but pages count is not extended. It has Free Page=33 and RESERVE LIMIT =0 

After performing the Adjust function, we are getting below error while moving the elements -

    C1LB801E MEM=IP223420   VSAM PUT-XTND RC=08 REASON= 28 RPL RBA=00002E247000 DSN=iprfx.iqual.LISTING.DATA


Release : 18.0  18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Have seen this when an Elibs could not be expanded due to the volume being full. 


1) Rename old file

    If the ELIB is a VSAM file, use an IDCAMS ALTER command::

//IDCAMS   EXEC PGM=IDCAMS                         
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                           
//SYSIN    DD   *                                  
  ALTER hlq.mlq.ELIB -                     
  ALTER hlq.mlq.ELIB.DATA -                
  ALTER hlq.mlq.ELIB.INDEX -               

2) Allocate new larger file on a different volume. 
       If using VSAM ELIB, can allocate the VSAM file across multiple volumes.

3) Init new file with larger allocation pages using the BC1PNLIB ELIB utility.
       See sample JCL  BC1JNLIB in the CSIQJCL library.

4) Use the BC1PNCPY utility to copy the old file to new file  
       See sample JCL  BC1JNCPY in the CSIQJCL library.   
       To copy all members from the old ELIB to the new ELIB specify:
//SYSIN    DD *               
     INPUT  DDN ELIBI         
     OUTPUT DDN ELIBO         
     MEMBER *      

Additional Information

For information about the BC1PN utilities, refer to the 'Setting Up ELIB Data Sets'  information on TechDoc