CAUAJM_E_10682 Message When Running autosyslog -J <job_name>
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CAUAJM_E_10682 Message When Running autosyslog -J <job_name>


Article ID: 189399


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent Autosys Workload Automation


After a job runs to SUCCESS, running the command 'autosyslog -J <job_name>' or 'autosyslog -J <job_name> -t S' results in the following error...

CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job <job_name>.

At the same time, the 'autosyslog -J <job_name> -t O' command is successfully able to retrieve the standard output file for the job.


Release : 11.3.6

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


The autosyslog commands receiving the error are attempting to pull agent spool files for the job. 

The default configuration for an agent installed with AutoSys compatibility settings contains these two parameters in the agentparm.txt file...


With these two parameters set to 'true', the agent spool files for a job are automatically deleted immediately after a job completes successfully. They are only retained if the job fails or is terminated. Therefore, the autosyslog command that would retrieve these files will receive the CAUAJM_E_10682 error after a successful run of the job.

These parameters do not apply to the std_out/err files specified in the job definition, which is why the autosyslog command to retrieve those files will not receive an error after a succesful job run.


If you would like the agent spool files for successful job run retained, modify the agentparm.txt file on the agent machine and set the two parameters mentioned above to 'false'. After modifying the agentparm.txt, you must restart the agent service for the changes to take effect.

After this change, the spool files will be retained for the default spool file retention period, which is 7 days.