Allocate from Estimates Option Not Working Consistently
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Allocate from Estimates Option Not Working Consistently


Article ID: 189375


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Users are unable to assign allocations correctly using the Allocate from Estimates option. The results are inconsistently applied and may result in allocations being disproportionately applied to some months and not others for some resources.


This will occur if the ETC hours on the resource assignments are disproportionately distributed.

For example, if all of the remaining ETC hours for the assignments are in one day.

Reasons that the ETC hours can end up all in one day include: 

- the assignment having ETC hours remaining after their original assignment Finish Date. Those remaining ETC hours will rollover to the next workday after the Actual Thru date when actuals are posted. 


- the assignment has all of the ETC hours for an assignment zeroed out when posting actuals. Then additional ETC hours are manually added to the assignment. When additional ETC hours are manually added, they all get added to the next workday after the Actual Thru date. (In order for those ETC hours to spread out, the Assignment Finish Date have to be manually modified as well.)