VTAPE Task was looking for Scratch volume from POOL1 group which is not defined in our the PARMLIB , we had to cancel the mount request and restart the failed job to fix this issue.
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VTAPE Task was looking for Scratch volume from POOL1 group which is not defined in our the PARMLIB , we had to cancel the mount request and restart the failed job to fix this issue.


Article ID: 189356


Updated On:


Vtape Virtual Tape System


VTAPE( CA Vtape 12.6 ) Task was looking for Scratch volume from POOL1 group which is not defined in our the PARMLIB , we had to cancel the mount request and restart the failed job to fix this issue. Is thier any fix for this issue..Please investigate it

Our WTOR when this issue occurs:


7176 SVT8V0424W 09F5,Pool1,Scratch shortage, Reply R(etry) or C(ancel) - SVT8 DUMP initiated-, contact Mainframe Storage!


Release : 12.6

Component : CA VTAPE


The POOL1 was assigned because the DefaultGroup is set to GROUP01 into the VTPARMS
GROUP01 has VolumePool=Pool1 by default into VTPOOLS.


Change the DefaultGroup value into the VTPARMS to match an existing POOL from VTPOOLS