Update of SW API gateway fails (Connection refused) Trying to go from 9.4 base to 9.4 CR04
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Update of SW API gateway fails (Connection refused) Trying to go from 9.4 base to 9.4 CR04


Article ID: 189336


Updated On:


CA Mobile API Gateway CA Rapid App Security


Trying to update a Software version of the API gateway. We are cutting all of out appliance gateways over to the SW installed version on RHEL 7.7. 

The base version installed and runs w/o problems. I have applied a test license to it and can connect with Policy Manager. 


When I try to install the CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04.L7P package it is failing with 

# /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/bin/gateway.sh stop


# /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/bin/patch.sh  upload /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04.P

I/O Error: Connection refused (Connection refused)


## With default path
# /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/bin/patch.sh /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/ upload /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/CA_API_teway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04.L7P

Patch ID CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04 (Upgrades the CA API Gateway Software to version This patch requires a reboot of the CA APGateway Appliance after installation.) is UPLOADED, last modified on 2020-04-17T14:36:18-0500

Patch operation completed successfully.


# /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/bin/patch.sh /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/ list

Patch ID CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04 (Upgrades the CA API Gateway Software to version This patch requires a reboot of the CA API Gateway Appliance after installation.) is UPLOADED, last modified on 2020-04-17T14:36:18-0500

Patch ID CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.9807-CR03 (Upgrades the CA API Gateway Software to version This patch requires a reboot of the CA API Gateway Appliance after installation.) is ERROR, last modified on 2020-04-17T13:16:28-0500


# /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/bin/patch.sh /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/ install CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04

sudo: /opt/SecureSpan/Appliance/libexec/patch_launcher: command not found

Patch exit code: 1

Patch ID CA_API_Gateway_v9.4.00.10242-CR04 (Upgrades the CA API Gateway Software to version This patch requires a reboot of the CA API Gateway Appliance after installation.) is ERROR, last modified on 2020-04-17T14:43:22-0500

There were errors during the patch operation. See sspc logs in /opt/SecureSpan/Controller/var/logs for details.

The logs from patch_cli_0_0.log , seems this gateway behavior is like an appliance model and is trying to do a call to port 8765
Using Patch Service API endpoint: https://localhost:8765/services/patchServiceApi

There have also been some calls to scripts with appliance in the path.


Release      : 9.4

Component : API GATEWAY

REDHAT     : 7.7


Customer had some replication files copied from an Appliance Gateway into Software Gateway in /opt/SecureSpan/Appliance folder, this was probably when customer copied the appliance directory to utilize our replication scripts, but should not be there because this is a Software Gateway Appliance.

example :
# ls -al /opt/SecureSpan
total 8
drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   53 Feb 28 15:21 .
drwxr-xr-x. 19 root root 4096 Apr 15 22:22 ..
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root   16 Feb 28 15:21 Appliance
drwxr-xr-x.  6 root root 4096 Apr 20 12:20 Controller
drwxr-xr-x.  5 root root   44 Oct 12  2018 Gateway

This was taken From our Sw Gateway Lab box. Should look like this
# cd /opt/SecureSpan/
# ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Oct  8  2019 .
drwxr-xr-x. 9 root root 4096 Apr  9 16:19 ..
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 4096 Feb 24 16:03 Controller
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4096 Jan 29 06:10 Gateway


1. Remove the /Appliance folder (or at least rename it)

2. Validate there is no rpm -qa | grep ssg , that indicates ssg-appliance that should not be on a Software Appliance.

Note : Having an /opt/SecureSpan/Appliance folder on a Software Gateway it will break the upgrade/update process.