Clarity performance due to network bandwidth - Traceroute troubleshooting
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Clarity performance due to network bandwidth - Traceroute troubleshooting


Article ID: 189223


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Troubleshooting Clarity performance due to low bandwidth, which can lead to one or more of the following issues: 
  • Error: "Unable to communicate to the PPM Server" error intermittently
  • Unable to connect to the Clarity application
  • You are getting a white screen / blank page


These issues may be seen only for a certain network/VPN


Release : All Supported Clarity releases


Run the appropriate traceroute command below on a PC that has the issue to see if any issues are found If yes, reroute users that are having connection issues

1. Run the applicable traceroute command



    1. Open a Command Prompt
    2. Run tracert <IP Address> command <provide the Public IP for the server you're trying to connect to.>
      Example: tracert
    3. Allow the trace to run to completion
    4. Select the information on the screen and paste it into a text file


    1. Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
    2. Run the command: traceroute <IP Address>
      Example: traceroute <provide the Public IP for the server you're trying to connect to.>
    3. Allow it to run to completion
    4. Select the information on the screen and paste it into a text file

2. Review the resulting trace

    1. Check for too many hops to see if this is causing the issue.
      One example: If it's going through 30 hops, it may be timing out - in that case, a reroute for the user(s) can solve the issue.
    2. Compare against a working trace for any differences.
    3. Note the bandwidth. The recommended bandwidth for optimal performance is under 30 ms. Anything above 150 ms is considered a low/suboptimal bandwidth.
    4. If any issues are found in the trace:
      • See if there is a specific location / VPN that has the issue and notify your internal Network team.
        i.e. sometimes a specific "hop" on the way is causing the delay and it should be brought up with the ISP in question.
      • For those where too many hops are observed as mentioned in step 2 reroute the user(s) to see if that solves the issue
      • The Network team has to be engaged to address any network issues specific to the company

Additional Information

To find the Public IP address of a server:

    1. Connect to the server you want to find out the public IP for
    2. Open Google and type "what is my ip address"
    3. The resulting IP is the Public IP