VM:Secure *LL= entries not updated
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VM:Secure *LL= entries not updated


Article ID: 189111


Updated On:


VM:Secure for z/VM


I noticed that the *LL= date for a user is 12/06/19.  I checked a few other userids that I know logged on today and only one has today's date.  One has a date from January and my userid has no date at all for the *LL= entry.
We are running z/VM 7.1 Service Level 1801
VM:Secure 3.2 RSU-1801
Any help as to what to check is appreciated.


Release : 3.2

Component : CA VM:Secure for z/VM


Determined that VM:Secure is running in an SSI environment and these are IDENTITY entries.
Since they are, the *LL etc... are put in the SUBCONFIG entries so that you can tell when that IDENTITY was last logged on in that specific system.

Customer checked the SUBCONFIGs and verified the *LL= entries have the updated dates.