Trying to apply maintenance for CA Common Services for z/OS - MVS
Selected Upgrade CA RS from the SMP/E Maintenance section and received the following error:
Package in /usr/lpp/chorus60/mpm/scroot/DatabaseM/CA/MAINTENANCE/CA_Chorus_Software_Manager_-_MVS/6.0/0001/SO06935.BIN
cannot be found.
Dynamic allocation using BPXWDYN failed. Command: ALLOC DD(SMPPTFIN) PATH('/usr/lpp/chorus60/mpm/scroot/DatabaseM/CA/MAINTENANCE/CA_Chorus_Software_Manager_-_MVS/6.0/0001/SO06935.BIN') FILEDATA(BINARY) msg(1) failed. RC: -32745. IKJ56228I PATH /usr/lpp/chorus60/mpm/scroot/DatabaseM/CA/MAINTENANCE/CA_Chorus_ NOT IN CATALOG OR CATALOG CAN NOT BE ACCESSED
MME0251I CA CSM executor CAGIMSMP finished. CA CSM jobname: MSMTC , CAGIMSMP jobname: P3SSZ , Spool jobname: BPXAS, job ID: STC03683, PID: 160
An error has occurred while attempting to receive PTFs from Software Catalog.
A PTF exists in Software Catalog but the file with the PTF could not be found.
For assistance, contact Technical Support at
Release : 6.0
From the Products tab in CA CSM, using the Search at the top...enter the PTF referenced in the error (eg. SO06935) in the "Search for" and select Maintenance in the "Search in" dropdown...hit SEARCH.
Take note of Products that are returned
If Fix# found for multiple products, Select Fix# to determine if Location is different or cannot be found
Select the Product Name/Release where fix is not found. This will cause screen to be populated with all fixes for this Product Name/Release
Locate and Delete the PTF that was being flagged in the error from the Software Catalog, then attempt applying the maintenance/updating CA RS again
If problem is repeated for a different PTF, Repeat steps 1-3
If problem continues to repeat, perform a Clean-up and Hide for all Product Name/Release shown
"Un-hide" the product(s) and perform a Get Latest Maintenance for the appropriate product release