Can I move and/or copy documents by folder on the Collaboration tab of a project?
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Can I move and/or copy documents by folder on the Collaboration tab of a project?


Article ID: 188919


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


is it possible to MOVE/COPY documents by folder (vs. file)? We can copy files one-by-one from one folder to another, but how about moving or copying the entire folder?  We would like to copy the entire files and folder structure into another project.


Release : All Supported Clarity releases


  1. You cannot Copy an entire folder from an existing project to another project unless you use a Project Template. You can only Copy and Move the files within the same project, not the folders. And you must be granted Collaboration rights for this.
  2. You could XOG in files but they must already be on the Clarity server and this is not trivial work. We do not recommend it

Our recommendation is :

  • To use a new project, create the files and folder structure as needed, and mark it as template. Then reuse the same project template as needed
  • Alternatively, if the project is not a template, you could say Create from Template and still use it to create a new project.
  • To copy files to an existing project, you will have to manually upload them and recreate the structure