Release : Any
Component : Spectrum Report Manager/SRM
Spectrum does not currently have an automated process for backing up the SRM 'reporting' MySQL database on the OneClick server. Backups can be executed from the command line and therefore could be scripted and executed either via cron tabs on Linux or Task Scheduler on Windows.
$SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf --routines --databases -uroot -p<PASSWD> reporting > {backup filename}.sql
BackupReportingDBLandscape Utility Script (This backs up reporting data for a specific landscape)
$SPECROOT/bin/BackupReportingDBLandscape(.sh|.bat) <mySQL user> <MySQL Password> <LandscapeName> <Description>
$SPECROOT/bin/ root root spectrumss25 "MLS SS Report Data Backup"
1. GUI executed backup stops Landscape processing
2. CLI execute script (BackupReportingDBLandscape) does not stop processing and it requires to stop Tomcat
3.There is no way to stop LS processing via CLI