Global CSI Dataset for SYSVIEW was Deleted
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Global CSI Dataset for SYSVIEW was Deleted


Article ID: 188829


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


I installed a new release of SYSVIEW via CSM and someone mistakenly deleted the global CSI dataset.  It cannot be restored.  What recommendations/steps can you give me to recreate the CSI?  I was thinking that if I backed up/renamed the remaining SMP/E libraries and also did the same for the target libraries and distribution libraries that it would be a start.


Without a backup, the environment will need to be rebuilt via a reinstall.  Any existing libraries can be renamed in order to have a running environment, but the install will need to be done again to build the CSI in order to do future maintenance to the product.   

We recommend that the SMP/e environment datasets be backed up on a regular basis.