Where is the password data of Endpoint configuration stored and what is the algorithm being used to encrypt?
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Where is the password data of Endpoint configuration stored and what is the algorithm being used to encrypt?


Article ID: 188624


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


How does Identity Manager or Provisioning Server encrypt the password  data on Oracle (or DB2, MS SQL) Endpoint configuration and where is it stored?

For example, here is the capture of Oracle Endpoint configuration in Provisioning Manager. The password data is marked with a red square below.


Release : 14.x

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


The password data of Endpoint configuration is encrypted using AES encryption (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) in Provisioning Directory when FIPS is enabled. For example, with regards Oracle Server Endpoint configuration, password data is store in eTORADirectoryPWD attribute of the following DN

eTORADirectoryName=,eTNamespaceName=Oracle Server,dc=im,DC=etadb

It will be similar for DB2, Microsoft SQL connector/Name Space.