Symantec Data Center Security Server Advanced Unified Management Console (UMC) fails to load or register with DCS 6.8 MP2
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Symantec Data Center Security Server Advanced Unified Management Console (UMC) fails to load or register with DCS 6.8 MP2


Article ID: 188552


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced Data Center Security Server Data Center Security Monitoring Edition


Symantec Data Center Security Server Advanced Unified Management Console (UMC) fails to load or register after update to DCS 6.8 MP2




Instructions to install the hotfix on Data Center Security (DCS) Server Advanced 6.8 MP2 running DCS Server version

1) Check the version of the server.exe that was used to install DCS, this hotfix only applies to DCS

2) Download the attached hotfix from this KB

3) Stop the Symantec Data Center Security Server Manager service on all machines you wish to replace the binary.

4) To replace the im-core- file in server installation.

    1. Navigate to <install_dir>\server\ tomcat\symapps\umc\umcservices\WEB-INF\lib directory.
    2. Rename the existing im-core- as im-core- file within that directory.
    3. Move the im-core- out of the folder 
    4. Copy the new im-core- from the zip file you downloaded to this directory, rename the file to im-core-

5) Start the Symantec Data Center Security Server Manager service and try login to UMC console.

Update/Installation Note:
If the issue was during an install or upgrade where DCS UMC failed to register, please start the DCS serverConfigWizard.bat from the Start Menu to resume the install/update.

Additional Information

This is fixed with 6.8 MP2 Update 1, version We recommend updating to after UMC has registered and is available via the web portal.

This updated version of the full DCS installation ISO is available from the support portal.

Attachments get_app