注:OS/390 2.4.0以上およびJES 2.4.0以上を使用している場合は、ROJES2XTはGenlevel 9812以上であることを確認する必要があり、それより古いGenlevelを使用している場合、『JES2 CATASTROPHIC ERROR』が発生する可能性がありますのでご注意ください。
Webサイトからもご確認いただける『JES2 CATASTROPHIC ERROR』に関する情報です。
Title: A JES2 CATASTROPHIC ERROR WILL OCCUR IN JES2 PRODUCT: CA-ROSCOE-MVS RELEASE: 6.0 PEA #: LI90907 DATE: 20 MAR 2001 ***** Product Error Alert *****PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: A JES2 catastrophic error will occur in JES2 Versions 2.4.0 and above if the incorrect version of the ROJES2XT is installed in JES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------HYPER: NODISTRIBUTION CODE: A (A=AVAILABLE, I=INTERNAL)PROBLEM RESOLUTION: Clients using OS/390 2.4.0 or above and JES 2.4.0 or above must verify that ROJES2XTis genlevel 9812 or above. Failure to do so could cause catastrophic errors in JES. Installing the ROJES2XT correctly is critical to running CA-Roscoe in a JES2 environment. The ROJES2XT must first be assembled and linkedited following the instructions in theusermod MRO6029. Please verify that the syslib concatenation is in the followingsequence before assembly. 1. SHASMAC 2. RO60MAC 3. SYS1.MACLIB 4. SYS1.MODGEN After you assemble and link ROJES2XT, move it to a linklisted data set, and update theJESPARMS as shown below. LOADMOD(ROJES2XT) STORAGE=CSA EXIT(5) ROUTINE=(RO$EXIT5),STATUS=ENABLED,TRACE=NO NOTE: The exit routine name (RO$EXIT5) must not be changed If there are multiple exits, the ROJES2XT must be specified first in the exit list asshown in the following example: LOADMOD(ROJES2XT) STORAGE=CSA LOADMOD(xxxxxxxx) STORAGE=*** EXIT(5) ROUTINE=(RO$EXIT5,xxxxxxxx),STATUS=ENABLED,TRACE=NO NOTE: The exit routine name (RO$EXIT5) must not be changed to initialize or reload the exit, JES2 must be warm started, or the system must be ipled. Please refer to Section 11.5 of the CA-Roscoe System Reference Guide for furtherinformation. You can display the JES2 Exit Point Status by issuing the JES2 command: $D EXIT5 You can display the ROJES2XT by extering the JES2 command: $D MOD(ROJES2XT) Please refer to the IBM JES2 Commands manual for more information on the JES2 commandsdescribed above. Thank you for your continued support of Computer Associates and its products. If youhave any questions about this Product Information Bulletin or any other questionsabout this product, please contact your local Computer Associates Technical Supportorganization.PRODUCT(S) AFFECTED: CA-ROSCOE-MVS RELEASE 6.0 CA-ROSCOE/DB2-MVS RELEASE 6.0