NAME= Doesn't Always Display In Top Secret TSSUTIL Report For Signon Violation
Article ID: 188447
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Top Secret
In the Top Secret TSSUTIL output, signon violations usually display the NAME= associated with the ACID that received the violation. Occasionally, the NAME= is not shown in the RESOURCE column. For example:
DATE TIME SYSID JOBNAME ACID FFM VC PGM SRC/DRC SEC RESOURCE 02/17/20 05:10:24 ssss jjjjjjj aaaaaaaa 13F 02 pgm *1C*-01 INI NAME=name
02/17/20 05:11:26 ssss jjjjjjj aaaaaaaa 13F pgm *1C*-01 INI
Release : 16.0
Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS
For entries that don't have a violation count, the name doesn't appear. This is the way it works. The event without violation count indicates that the user attempted to logon after the ACID was suspended. In the example below, the first event has a violation count (VC) of 02 (in red). The second event does not have a violation count and therefore does not display the NAME associated with the acid.
DATE TIME SYSID JOBNAME ACID FFM VC PGM SRC/DRC SEC RESOURCE 02/17/20 05:10:24 ssss jjjjjjj aaaaaaaa ffm 02 pgm *1C*-01 INI NAME=name
02/17/20 05:11:26 ssss jjjjjjj aaaaaaaa ffm pgm *1C*-01 INI
The red "02" in the first event above indicates that the 1C-01 record was cut at the time the user "exceeded" PTHRESH and was placed in suspended status.