Only partial content of job output files (std_out_file or std_err_file) is seen from WCC or Autosys
Article ID: 188421
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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys)CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys)CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)Workload Automation AgentAutosys Workload Automation
Removing any limits on the ability to see the entire output file (std_out_file or std_err_file) of a successful job run, as it seems show less content than the actual output files seen on the Agent.
Workload Automation AutoSys
The LogMaxEndLines parameter defines the maximum number of lines to retrieve from the agent log file or the job log file. These logs can be retried WCC/WebUI or other AutoSys command lines
This parameter can be configured as follows via $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV (Windows: %AUTOUSER%/config.%AUTOSERV%)
LogMaxEndLines=<No of Lines>,<Max Line Size>,<Max File Size>
Example: LogMaxEndLines=2000,1024,100M
Additional explanation about the above option is with in the same file as well as the documentation