Getting the following error from OAscheduler log:
3/20/20 2:07:36 AM - OAExec. • Export into Excel failed.
COAExcel: CloseExcel
SaveAs method of Workbook class failed
Probably the output file causing the error:
This file is locked for editing by another application or there is a security problem.
The Microsoft Excel component that WC uses, exporting data into .XLSX (Excel Workbook) file, cannot be made reliable when WC Scheduler is running as a service. Unfortunately, Microsoft changed their restriction in Excel.
With respect to this fact we recommend the following circumvention:
You should update your scheduled tasks to export data into CSV format, not xlsx format.
The recipient will then import the CSV format as an excel file
To make it easier for you, we recommend to update windows setting (list separator) to character ";"
List separator settings is under settings -> region $ language -> additional date, time, & regional settings -> change date, time, or number formats -> additional settings
This solution is for the Scheduler running as a Service; otherwise, if you just need the excel file, you can still use the scheduler as an application, but then there is a need of a logged in user on the machine.