CAUAJM_W_10496 Agent on [xxxxxxxxx] has not responded in a timely fashion.
Article ID: 188359
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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys)CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys)CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)Workload Automation AgentAutosys Workload Automation
When attempting to autoping a new agent, the following error is observed...
CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [xxxxxxxxx] CAUAJM_W_10496 Agent on [xxxxxxxxx] has not responded in a timely fashion. Try again later. [CA WAAE Autoping] CAUAJM_E_50281 AutoPing from the Scheduler WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL. CAUAJM_W_10496 Agent on [xxxxxxxxx] has not responded in a timely fashion. Try again later. [CA WAAE Autoping] CAUAJM_E_50283 AutoPing from the Application Server WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL. CAUAJM_E_50026 ERROR: AutoPing WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL.
This error indicates that the communication from the Scheduler and Application Server was sent to the agent, but no acknowledgement from the agent was received. There are a variety of root causes for this error.
On the agent machine, go to <AGENT_HOME>/log and look in the transmitter.log file. When the agent is unable to communicate back to the AutoSys server, the underlying error will be logged in this file. Here are a couple of examples of common errors...
"unknown host" - the hostname that the AutoSys server is sending to the agent cannot be resolved by the agent. Using the "ping" command, make sure the AutoSys server's hostname is resolvable on the agent machine. It is a good idea to check both the short hostname and the fully qualified hostname. Depending on the AutoSys server configuration, it could be sending either one.
"connection refused" - This error means that the agent was blocked when trying to communicate back to the AutoSys Scheduler and/or Application Server's auxiliary ports. By default, the Scheduler auxiliary port is 7507 and the Application Server auxiliary port is 7500. Make sure that both ports are open through the firewall between the agent machine and the AutoSys server machine.