Spectrum Windows install fails with mysql.cus script error
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Spectrum Windows install fails with mysql.cus script error


Article ID: 188298


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Spectrum mysql.cus script fails with the following error: error during mysqladmin --defaults-file=E:/win32app/Spectrum/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf -uroot ping

While trying to install Spectrum on a Windows system, the mysql.cus script failed with the following errors in the mysql.log file:

Waiting for mysql to start up... try count 47 
Waiting for mysql to start up... try count 48 
Waiting for mysql to start up... try count 49 
Waiting for mysql to start up... try count 50 
Final attempt to reach mysql... 
**^G Error during mysqladmin --defaults-file=D:/Spectrum/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf --login-path=myclient ping


Release : Any

Component : Spectrum install on Windows


The customer had Symantec anti-virus software and carbon black security software running on the system. 


Disable the Carbon Black security software processes and the Symantec anti-virus software processes on the Windows system and rerun the install.