The Affected end user trying to answer the survey and gets the message: "AHD05244: No tracking record found. This user is not authorized to take this survey."
Article ID: 18827
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CA Service Management - Service Desk ManagerCA Service Desk Manager
The Affected end user trying to answer the survey and gets the message: "AHD05244: No tracking record found. This user is not authorized to take this survey." Why does this happens?
Release : 17.1.x / 17.2.x / 17.3.x
Component : USRD
This is working as designed. This is the explanation of this behavior:
Scenario 1:
When "Stricter Rules" parameter is enabled it prevents a user from submitting the same survey more than once. And also when the ticket is closed the survey is sent to him until he answers a survey. After user X answers a survey, this user X will never receive another survey.
We open and close ticket 1111 - survey 01 is sent to user AAA
survey 01 is not answered.
We open and close ticket 2222 - survey 02 is sent to user AAA
survey 02 is not answered.
We open and close ticket 3333 - survey 03 is sent to user AAA
survey 03 is answered.
user AAA is not allowed to answer survey 03 again.
From this moment. user AAA will not receive more surveys that reference that same Survey Template.
We open and close ticket 4444 - survey is not sent to user AAA
Scenario 2:
When "Stricter Rules" parameter is not enabled the user will always receive surveys, but will also permit that a user answers the same survey many times.
We open and close ticket 1111 - survey 01 is sent to user AAA
survey 01 is answered.
User AAA opens again the email and clicks to answer the same survey 01
answer accepted by Service Desk.
User AAA opens again the email and clicks to answer the same survey 01
answer accepted by Service Desk.
In summary, the Survey Feature is designed as following:
CA Service Desk Manager R12.6 allows a survey template to be configured as using "Stricter Rules".
There is a check box that is used to enable the "Stricter Rules" for the template. However, when this is set, the user that receives and responds to the particular survey on a ticket, will never ever get the same survey for any other ticket at any time unless the "Stricter Rules" is disabled for that survey template.