Endevor not showing updates that were add/changed to a line in an element
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Endevor not showing updates that were add/changed to a line in an element


Article ID: 188191


Updated On: 08-09-2024


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


When changing line(s) of code from in element of Endevor, sometimes the level version is not showing the change.




All supported Releases 


Working as designed.
It is  possible to see this behavior when the parameters are set  'COMPARE FROM' and 'COMPARE TO' with an interval that is not cover the change of the code.


Under the scenario in the image, all modifications that are not between 7 and 72 endevor will not cover it.
So if a change in line 6 it's performed, endevor will not show that change in the level versions.

More information about changing 'COMPARE FROM' and 'COMPARE TO