Database Management for Db2 for z/OS When/What is the SETUPxx and ISPFx member usage
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Database Management for Db2 for z/OS When/What is the SETUPxx and ISPFx member usage


Article ID: 188187


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Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Administration Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Recovery Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Utilities Suite DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR DB2 FOR Z/OS


Questions related to Database Management for Db2 for z/OS hlq.CDBPARM SETUPxx and ISPFxx members:

When is the SETUPxx member in the hlq.CDBAPARM used?  What is the SETUPxx member usage? 
Is the SETUPxx member used only for the Post Install processes?

Is the ISPFxx member in the hlq.CDBAPARM used only for the Post Install processes?


There are some examples of the Database Management for Db2 for z/OS products that work with the parameters defined in SETUPxx member.
 - Some of the Database Management utilities (Fast Unload, Rapid Reorg...) and Log Analyzer work with the values of SYSADM and SYSADM2 when they call PLR Log Reader to access the Db2 Log.
 - Sysview for Db2 accesses the SETUPxx to know the XMANID to connect to Xmanager/Xnet. Or to read the ZPARM module ZPARMLIB and ZPARMMEM parameters and display their values.

Obviously Post Install Tasks are the most use of the SETUPxx as when you run these tasks there is not an environment defined so you need to take the values from SETUPxx.

The ISFPxx member is only used in Post Install Task INS Bind Product Packages and Plans ssid0002 job.