Ntevl probe getting the below error while monitoring windows NT event. Because of this issue we are missing windows event error
Apr 2 06:40:36:390 [12216] ntevl: evlStoreEventsInQueue(): Job queue exhausted as Incoming events are more.. Increase number of threads to process events fast..
Apr 2 06:40:36:406 [12216] ntevl: evlStoreEventsInQueue(): Job queue exhausted as Incoming events are more.. Increase number of threads to process events fast..
Apr 2 06:40:36:412 [12216] ntevl: evlStoreEventsInQueue(): Job queue exhausted as Incoming events are more.. Increase number of threads to process events fast..
Fine tune the NTEVL probe by increasing the poll rate to 60 seconds or more to give the probe enough time to process the collected data and the thread count to 10 or more to process the data faster.