Adjust Retention Duration
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Adjust Retention Duration


Article ID: 188071


Updated On:


Mainframe Operational Intelligence


Adjust the retention duration for the server.

They have read this in the documentation:

“By default CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence retains the alerts data for 90 days and the high fidelity time series data for 45 days. To modify the retention period, contact CA Support. However, you can view the details that are associated with reports and dashboards for up to two years.”


  • I’d like to adjust the retention period to something like 30 days to make sure we don’t run out of disk space while testing it out. 


Release : 2.0.5



Here are the instructions to allow you to change the Cassandra Time to Live setting, a.k.a  data retention, from the 45 days default data retention setting to 30 days.  

****   Note: This change to a 30 day retention will ONLY apply to new data that is ingested by MOI after this change. Any old data that was ingested by MOI will retain the 45 default Time to Live. ****

1. Logon to your MOI appliance box as root.

2. Issue command:       docker ps -a

Issue command:       cd /opt/moi

Issue command:      docker ps -a

Issue command :    bin/plex shutdown --bg=wait   *** This command will take a few minutes to complete  ***

6.  Check to make sure all containers are not started and cleanup if necessary:

     a. Issue command:docker ps -a                  ***  This command should return no docker containers list ***

7. If any docker containers are still listed, run the following command to clean them up:      docker rm -f $( docker ps -a -q)


Change the Cassandra Time to Live/Data Retention to 30 days from the default 45 days:

       a. Issue command:    cp /opt/moi/oi-engine/normal/docker-compose.yml   backup-docker-compose.yml

       b. Issue command:  sed -i -e 's/45/30/g' /opt/moi/oi-engine/normal/docker-compose.yml

       c. Issue command:    cat /opt/moi/oi-engine/normal/docker-compose.yml 

 8. Please upload the cat listing to your case so that we can verify that the TTL change looks correct.   

 9. Restart the MOI appliance Docker containers by issuing commands: 

       cd  /opt/moi

       bin/plex startup --bg=wait

 10. Check containers for healthy status and no exits by repeating the command below every 5 minutes+.  This process should complete within one hour or less. 

      docker ps -a