GOA script on SYSVIEW object failed with message:
VKG0400I GSV2626E Init failed,sriptname
If VKGPARM SECURSCR is set to Y, then GOA scripts run under the security context from the Vantage userid.
Message "VKG0400I GSV2626E Init failed,scriptname" is issued if the user is not authorized for SYSVIEW. The related message in the SYSVIEW STC is:
GSVX206E (XSXI.userid) Nucleus init failed, reason 17 access revoked/invalid userid
- permit the Vantage Userid access to SYSVIEW, or
- set VKGPARM SECURSCR to Y, so that the scripts runs under the security context of the user, who has created the script and should have been defined to SYSVIEW.