"ERROR: Serial number has already been issued, check the database/serial_file for corruption"
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"ERROR: Serial number has already been issued, check the database/serial_file for corruption"


Article ID: 187968


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


Received the following error when executing script %XCOM_HOME%\Ssl\makeca.bat to re-configure XCOM SSL certificates:

ERROR:Serial number 02 has already been issued, check the database/serial_file for corruption

How can this error be avoided i.e. clean up the current SSL configuration so that it can be started again from scratch?


  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC
  • OpenSSL


To prevent the error and cleanup the current SSL configuration files:

Backup and delete these directories and files from inside the Windows XCOM ssl directory %XCOM_HOME%\Ssl (default: "C:\Program Files\CA\XCOM\Ssl"):

directory certs
directory private
files serial*
files index*
file random.pem

Similar advice is valid for Linux XCOM ssl directory $XCOM_HOME/ssl (default: "/opt/CA/XCOM/ssl")

NOTE: This error may also occur when executing makeclient or makeserver and the same advice applies.