Received the following error when executing script %XCOM_HOME%\Ssl\makeca.bat to re-configure XCOM SSL certificates:
ERROR:Serial number 02 has already been issued, check the database/serial_file for corruption
How can this error be avoided i.e. clean up the current SSL configuration so that it can be started again from scratch?
To prevent the error and cleanup the current SSL configuration files:
Backup and delete these directories and files from inside the Windows XCOM ssl directory %XCOM_HOME%\Ssl (default: "C:\Program Files\CA\XCOM\Ssl"):
directory certs
directory private
files serial*
files index*
file random.pem
Similar advice is valid for Linux XCOM ssl directory $XCOM_HOME/ssl (default: "/opt/CA/XCOM/ssl")
NOTE: This error may also occur when executing makeclient or makeserver and the same advice applies.