Gen COBOL/DB2 compile specifying Version for DB2 precompiler
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Gen COBOL/DB2 compile specifying Version for DB2 precompiler


Article ID: 187961


Updated On: 09-02-2024


Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia


When compiling COBOL/DB2 programs in Gen, how can the Version parameter in DB2 precompiler DSNHPC be used so there can be multiple versions of the package?   


Gen Host Construction


Gen uses the same DB2 load lib that is specified in PARMLIB(TIRHE) to execute the precompiler program DSNHPC.
To specify DBRM Version, that is done on the Application System Menu option 5 Bind options.
VERSION(AUTO) puts the timestamp in the DBRM but can set as desired from model level down through to individual action block members.

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