When Using Symdump CICS r 11.0 to view Last Screen display I receive message CAIN3478 Access is restricted for this selection.
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When Using Symdump CICS r 11.0 to view Last Screen display I receive message CAIN3478 Access is restricted for this selection.


Article ID: 187945


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SymDump for CICS


I am testing  Symdump CICS r 11 by using transaction DEMC to create a ASRA abend and dump. When viewing the dump and I try to look at the 'Last Screen' selection I receive the following message:

CAIN3478 Access is restricted for this selection

I press PF1 for further information I see the wrong error message which is misleading to debug the problem. 

TUTORIAL:InterTest Message CAIN3500

Message: CAIN3500 DWARF API call failed with RC ...

Reason:  DWARF symbolic information processing error.

Action:  Contact CA InterTest Technical Support with the return code.

Message: CAIN3501 TASK=(*) ABENDED BY CA InterTest, ABEND CODE=(*),

         ERROR CODE=(*)




The client is currently using external security IN25OPTS options parameter EXTSEC= YES to protect certain Symdump CICS options. Additional security was added in release 11 to protect the Last Screen option.The client needs to add the Last screen option to their current Symdump CICS security profile. 


The message received is not documented in the message guide or in the Help file. The help file will be updated.

CAIN3478 Access is restricted for this selection

Since the error message is not present in the PROTHLF file the client is getting the NEXT sequential message in the PROTHLF file which is  very misleading
Message: CAIN3500 DWARF API call failed with RC ...

Here's a link to all the Symdump CICS r 11 external security options.

External Security Installation Option

The EXTSEC installation option in IN25OPTS turns the CA SymDump for CICS external security feature on or off. When CA SymDump for CICS is first installed, it is useful to leave EXTSEC set to No (the default) until the product is installed, tested, and the security rules written.

For more information about setting and modifying CA SymDump for CICS options, see IN25OPTS Keywords.

Resource Protection Levels

The resources protected in CA SymDump for CICS under the External Security feature are listed in the table below:

Class Entity Access Level Function Type CA SymDump Menu Options

CA@NTSYM BQUSER Read User 1 Analysis (View dumps and traces)
CA@NTSYM BQUSER Update Privileged user 1 Analysis (View plus Hold, Release, Delete)
CA@NTSYM BQTRACE Update Trace authority 2 Trace capture
CA@NTSYM BQADMIN Update Administrator 3 Configuration
CA@NTSYM BQOPER Update Operator 4 Start and 5 Stop

CA@NTSYM BQLSCRN Update Last screen display