List of EventID that might be issued by the WebAgent on Windows
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List of EventID that might be issued by the WebAgent on Windows


Article ID: 187903


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


What's the list of EventID that might be issued by the WebAgent when running on Windows? 



Web Agent on Windows;



Here's the list of the EventID:

EventID:0, SMEVENTCODE_INITDEBUG,Debug version of SiteMinder agent is running.
EventID:1, SMEVENTCODE_INITNOCONFFILE,Unable to determine SiteMinder agent configuration file path.
EventID:2, SMEVENTCODE_INITBADCONFFILE,Unable to open SiteMinder agent configuration file or file is corrupt.
EventID:3, SMEVENTCODE_INITNOHOSTCONFIG,Unable to load SiteMinder host configuration object or host configuration file.
EventID:4, SMEVENTCODE_INITNOAGENTCONFIG,Unable to load SiteMinder agent configuration object.
EventID:5, SMEVENTCODE_INITNOLOCALCONFIG,Unable to load SiteMinder local agent configuration file or file is corrupt.
EventID:6, SMEVENTCODE_INITEXITING,SiteMinder agent has encountered initialization errors and is exiting.
EventID:7, SMEVENTCODE_INITNOSERVICE,SiteMinder agent has encountered initialization errors and will not service requests.
EventID:8, SMEVENTCODE_INITNOTENABLED,SiteMinder agent is not enabled.
EventID:9, SMEVENTCODE_INITENABLED,SiteMinder agent is enabled.
EventID:10, SMEVENTCODE_DEFAULTUSERERROR,DefaultUserName configured for agent cannot logon to the web server. Please provide a new user name or password through central agent configuration or in the local configuration file. The current user name configured is shown below.
EventID:11, SMEVENTCODE_CREDCACHEINITERROR,Secure credential cache has failed to start. The data is the error code. Please check the System events for problems with service startup.
EventID:12, SMEVENTCODE_INIT,SiteMinder agent is running.
EventID:13, SMEVENTCODE_BASECONFIG,There was an error allocating memory for the base configuration object.
EventID:14, SMEVENTCODE_INITLLA,Sm_AgentApi_Init Failed.
EventID:15, SMEVENTCODE_STARTLLAWP,Failed to Start the LLAWP process.
EventID:16, SMEVENTCODE_RCACHEINITERROR,Resource cache failed to initialize.
EventID:17, SMEVENTCODE_SCACHEINITERROR,Session cache failed to initialize.
EventID:18, SMEVENTCODE_MSGBUSERROR,Failed to send message to the LLAWP.
EventID:19, SMEVENTCODE_MSGBUSINITERROR,Failed to initialize the message bus.
EventID:20, SMEVENTCODE_LOGQINITERROR,Failed to initialize the log queue.
EventID:21, SMEVENTCODE_CFGMGRINITERROR,Failed to initialize the configuration manager.
EventID:22, SMEVENTCODE_SRVRUNNING,Server already running.
EventID:23, SMEVENTCODE_FILEOPENERROR,Unable to open file.
EventID:24, SMEVENTCODE_CFGPATHINFO,Configuration file path:
EventID:25, SMEVENTCODE_LLAWPSHUTDOWNFAILED,Failed to send close message to LLAWP.
EventID:26, SMEVENTCODE_LOGONUSERFAILED,LogonUser failed for specified user shown below.
EventID:27, SMEVENTCODE_INVALIDSERVERPATH,Invalid character found in the server path variable. Make sure that alphanumeric values are used. the invalid character shown below.
EventID:28, SMEVENTCODE_MSGBUSALREADYINITIALIZED,Message bus already initialized.
EventID:30, SMEVENTCODE_RCACHEREINIT,Resource cache re-initialized.
EventID:31, SMEVENTCODE_SCACHEREINIT,Session cache re-initialized.
EventID:32, SMEVENTCODE_EXIT,Web-agent process is exiting...
EventID:33, SMEVENTCODE_NOWRITEPERMISSIONS,Siteminder Web Agent not having write permissions on host configuration file. Shared secret roll-over may not be supported.
EventID:34, SMEVENTCODE_NOREADPERMISSIONS,Siteminder Web Agent not having read permissions on host configuration file.
EventID:35, SMEVENTCODE_PRIORITYREGENTRYMISSING,Registry Entry requestpriority is missing. Using PRIORITY_ALIAS_FIRST as default.
EventID:36, SMEVENTCODE_PRIORITYREGENTRYVALUE,Registry Entry requestpriority value:
EventID:37, SMEVENTCODE_START32LLAWP,Failed to Start the LLAWP32 process.
EventID:38, SMEVENTCODE_LLAWP32SHUTDOWNFAILED,Failed to send close message to LLAWP32.
EventID:39, SMEVENTCODE_WRONGMSGRECEPIENT,The message recipient is a different client.
EventID:40, SMEVENTCODE_WRONGMSGRESPONSETYPE,Did not receive the expected response type.
EventID:41, SMEVENTCODE_MSGBUGOUTOFSYNC,MessageBus subsystem is out of sync. Previous sender did not collect the response message. Resyncing...
EventID:42, SMEVENTCODE_SENDINGRESYNCTOLLAWP,Sending resync message to LLAWP to check the client list.
EventID:43, SMEVENTCODE_FAILEDRCVMSGCONFIRM,Failed to receive a resync message confirmation.