How to set Modern UX as default page for all the users
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How to set Modern UX as default page for all the users


Article ID: 187769


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


 Instructions to modify the default page from Classic UI to Modern UX for all the users.


Clarity PPM 16.x


1. Stop the services
#service stop app bg beacon nsa

2. Go to /opt/clarity/.setup/templates/docroot/

3. Backup the index.html 

4. Stop and remove all the clarity "app" services:
#service stop remove app bg beacon nsa

5. Edit the index.html and use the below code
<!-- Changes below commented to stop app going to classic ux -->
<!-- <script>location.replace("@context@/nu#action:homeActionId");</script> -->
<!-- Changes below to navigate to Modern UX-->
6. Redeploy all the clarity "app" services
#service add deploy app bg beacon nsa

7. Start all the clarity services:
#service add deploy start app bg beacon nsa

8. Login to clarity. It will now take you to the modern ux 
Note: By applying this change you will not be able to login to CSA and all the changes have to be done using properties.xml or you will have to revert back the index.html to login to CSA.
Also these are not a supported configuration change and you should ensure to make this changes after upgrade.