S0C4 RC=11 during shutdown XCOM for z/OS
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S0C4 RC=11 during shutdown XCOM for z/OS


Article ID: 187718


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM - SUPPORT


We have had an issue in a Production environment. The XCOM server had a "hung" transaction, so we bounced the XCOM server to release it. After the second STOP command was issued and the immediate shutdown started, the server generated a  S0C4 abend with reason code 11:
This of course was flagged as an abnormal termination, which triggered the automatic restart of the server.
We have 2 questions:
  • Is there any particular PTF that would handle the 0C4 during shutdown?
  • Would defining the XCOM listen port as SHARED avoid XCOM not being able to open it?


XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS


  • When you do a STOP of the task it will stop the task in an orderly manner. In other words, it will let whatever active work going on at the time to finish. That is why the STOP will not immediately stop the task.
  • When you do the STOP,IMMED it tells XCOM to stop the task regardless of what is happening.  That is why you got the S0C4.
  • We have several fixes related to the STOP--make sure you have them all applied.
  • Review XCOM for z/OS 12.0 online documentation - go to  Using the MODIFY Commands: STOP command   (under ● IMMED) and scroll down.