MTP shows "Unable To Contact" in ADA UI as Status
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MTP shows "Unable To Contact" in ADA UI as Status


Article ID: 18771


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA)



MTP shows "Unable To Contact" in ADA UI as Status even though telnet is working from 3308.

  1. SuperAgentSync...Application.Console.log on the ADA manager you see this when trying to sync the MTPs from the ADA console:

    [3/18/2014 16:45:50 Warning]  SubSystem: ProductSync:ProductRequest  Message:     --Message--     The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.     --Stack Trace--     at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()   at NetQoS.Inspector.Database.ProductSync.RequestProductSync(DBConnectiondb, String guid, Boolean fullUpdate)   at NetQoS.Inspector.Database.ProductSync.RequestSyncUpdate(DBConnection db)[End Entry]
  2. On the MTP in the DataTransferManager log it seems to fail connecting to MySQL on the ADA manager and times out after 15 mins

    **********DataTransferManager Start - GMT Offset=0 - Rollover at Wed Mar 19 00:00:002014**********17:15:33 SAConfiguration: Linux Startup Config - SA MasterConsole=, SA Collector IP=, Root OutputDir=/opt/NetQoS/bin, MySQL Connect Port=3308, SOAP Connect Timeout=30, SOAPSend Timeout=5, SOAP Receive Timeout=3017:15:33 InitDistributedConsole 017:32:42 b_test failure at nqmydbutils.cpp 5717:32:42 110 Connection timed out17:32:42 MySQL connection failed for 3308 super super. MySQLerror: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet',system error: 110 17:32:42 hr_test failure 0x87f90002 Error connecting to database atnqmydbutils.cpp 5717:32:42 hr_test failure 0x87f90002 Error connecting to database atDataTransferManager.cpp 32317:32:42 hr_test failure 0x87f90002 Error connecting to database atDataTransferManager.cpp 22817:32:42 hr_test failure 0x87f90002 Error connecting to database atDataTransferManager.cpp 17317:33:06

  3. Unable to make a connection from the command line on the MTP back to the MySQL database on the ADA server:

    [root@CUSTOMER-SDC-CA-1 httpd]# mysql -h192.0.2.1 -P3308ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorizationpacket', system error: 110



Component: NQSPRA



Firewall port issue. Sometimes VLAN tagging has been involved causing issues even if the port is open.

Check the firewall for an option to have it inspect the type of traffic passing through it by specifying the application in the rule (from a pre-defined list).

It can be you have applications that the firewall knows about but are running on non-standard ports and it is dropping them.

Simply allow any application for these flows, and just tie the rules down using the layer 4 information (so no inspection of what is using the ports).