Intermittent Issue while viewing documents "Unable to Process Document" in browser when redirected to DocIsolation Viewer.
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Intermittent Issue while viewing documents "Unable to Process Document" in browser when redirected to DocIsolation Viewer.


Article ID: 187694


Updated On:


Web Isolation


Intermittent Issue while viewing documents "Unable to Process Document" in browser when redirected to Doc Isolation Viewer.


Release : 1.13.938

Component : Web Isolation


Doc Isolation will query in two parts :
it will upload file to Doc Iso server and then you view the file in DocIso Viewer.
The issue is inconsistent because it relays on a race between the set-cookie of DocIsolation and the redirection.
When DocIsolation wins the race, the issue won't happen.


Workaround to fix this intermittent behavior :
you can enable the viewDocumentInNewTab option in the
Download Profile > Select your Doc Isolation download profile (configured in rule) > Advanced Settings 
After making changes Push Settings, Now when try to View Document, It will give you Popup at bottom left "This document is ready to View" , Click "View" and it will make docIsolation open in a new tab, with a clear history.