How to delete records from the IIR databases?
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How to delete records from the IIR databases?


Article ID: 18768


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Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer (IMS Tools) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR IMS FOR Z/OS


If the IIR tables become full or too large how do we delete records from these tables?


The easiest way to maintain a table in the IIR database is to use one of the SQL batch tools, DBSQLPR or DQBATCH, to execute
an SQL DELETE rows command. The SQL syntax lets you remove all or some of the rows in a specific table.

Please refer to the section 'Remove Data from an IIR Table' in the IMS Information Repository Guide for full details.

Additionally, we provide sample job, IIRCLNUP, in the hlq.CIMTSAMP, which deletes all reports older than 90 days for example.