Which OS is used for Identity Suite vApp
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Which OS is used for Identity Suite vApp


Article ID: 187666


Updated On: 10-03-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Trying to find out the OS used by vApp Identity Suite

Normally, we should use cat /etc/*-release however this has been customized for some of the releases



Release : 14.x

Component : Identity Suite


As confirmed by Engineering, Centos 6.4 is the release in place for all vApp releases

Additional Information

config@<server name> VAPP-14.1.0 ( > cat /etc/*-release

CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance 14.1.0

CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance 14.1.0

CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance 14.1.0


The same is observed on a 14.2 machine

config@<server name> VAPP-14.2.0 ( > cat /etc/*-release

CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance 14.2.0

CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance 14.2.0

CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance 14.2.0


However, 14.3 is showing the information required

config@<server name> VAPP-14.3.0 ( > cat /etc/*-release

CentOS release 6.4 (Final)

CentOS release 6.4 (Final)

CentOS release 6.4 (Final)