When running ACFESAGE, a particular subset of the massive amount of data in the ACF2 databases is desired. However, from the documentation it appears the utility outputs all data from from the three ACF2 databases. How are the processing criteria specified in order to produce only the desired data?
Release : 16.0
Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS
There are no data selection parameters for ACFESAGE, only these two report parameters:
1) TITLE, which specifies an optional title of up to 35 characters which will replace the default value in the title line of the ACFESAGE summary report. The default is “CA ACF2 Database Unload”
2) DATEFMT(YYMMDD|DDMMYY|MMDDYY|JULIAN) which specifies the format into which the date portion of TOD fields will be translated. Gregorian dates will be displayed in nn/nn/nn format, while Julian dates will be displayed in yyyy/nnn format.
ACFESAGE - ACF2 Database Offload to Flat File Utility
There are over 100 record types in the single output file produced by ACFESAGE. The file will be very large because it contains essentially all data in the RULES, INFOSTG and LOGONIDS databases. The record types are mapped and annotated in the the sections following the above page. There is also a corresponding assembler language mapping macro in AAX1MAC0(SAGEREC).
The output file from ACFESAGE can be used, therefore, as an input to a user-written extract process that uses the mappings to identify desired data.