Custom lookup attribute in Modern/New UX will only show 25 values and not have infinite scrolling
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Custom lookup attribute in Modern/New UX will only show 25 values and not have infinite scrolling


Article ID: 187521


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Clarity PPM SaaS


Custom lookup attribute in Modern/New UX will only show 25 values and not have infinite scrolling


  1. Connect to Clarity Classic
  2. Create a Static lookup with 30 values, i.e A, B, C, D… X,Y, Z and then 1,2,3,4 etc
  3. Ensure you add an API Alias
  4. Now go to Project Object - create a new attribute based on this lookup
  5. Add it to Views
  6. Now create a new Blueprint and add the new field to it
  7. Now create a new project template based on this blueprint
  8. In Modern UX go to Project Tiles and create a new project using the new blueprint template
  9. Open the Project Details and browse in the lookup field


Expected Results: To be able to scroll with infinite scrolling (indefinitely)

Actual Results: Only 25 values are displayed and no way to scroll more

Workaround: None if you would like to pick a value out of all of them. Only if you know what to pick you could type to select the value


Release : 15.7.1, 15.8


DE54139, Not a Bug  in 15.8 This is a current limitation with static lookups in the Modern UX.   We are looking at re-factoring the lookup widget to enhance the static lookup display but we have not schedule for a future release at this time.

Reviewed and tested in Release 16.1.3 - This behavior has changed. 

  • When there is a static lookup when you invoke the pull-down, it infinitely scrolls through the list. 
  • If you create a static lookup with about 40 values and going into the grid, you can scroll up and down in the list to see all values.
  • Tested also on the Details Fly-out and on the Properties Module.