SOI IFW and Event Management Services are not coming online up after the patch SO09444 install. After patch install, DB credentials and EEM credentials cannot be encoded correctly as per the logs.
Following error found in soimgr-debug.log "020-03-18 19:54:05,085 INFO [ServletInit] ?.?(?) - ServerConfig Unable to decrypt password No such algorithm: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
When compared the two directories (\SOI\jre-64 and working SOI environment \SOI\jre-64\): there is one file that makes a difference, \SOI\jre-64\lib\ext\jsafeJCEFIPS-3.6.jar.
It was present in non-working SOI, but not in the working SOI environment. This file is replaced with a newer version (jsafeJCEFIPS-5.0.jar) as part of the patch installation, the old file gets deleted. So, It appears the .jar file in \SOI\jre-64\lib\ext not replaced, as it has old library file services fail to start.
This may happen when this file was still open by a process or service. After restoring \SOI\jre-64 folder all services came up and running as expected