Our company policy requires me to use a non-root user to run the NetOps Portal backups.
The non-root user will need to stop and start the NetOps Portal services.
How do I set sudo for the non-root user? What command will the non-root user need to run?
The non-root user should only have the ability to stop the NetOps Portal services.
Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration
These steps will help set up a new user, different from the install owner, that is a non-root user capable of creating NetOps Portal MySql DB backups.
The user is only capable of stopping the NetOps Portal services, running a MySql backup, and starting the NetOps Portal services. The commands called out in the sudoers file entry below are the minimum requirements to achieve the goal.
We should not be able to log in as the sudo user and run the standard MySql backup commands per documentation, appending sudo to the start of each run.
An example netqosportal command would be:
After entering the password for the backupUser it should successfully run the backup.
NetOps Portal MySql Backup instruction documentation:
Back Up NetOps Portal