CA Service Desk Manager SMTP email notifications are not working - SDM logs are getting flooded with messages like:
mm/dd hh:mm:ss.xx <server_name> pdm_mail_nxd 5072 ERROR hunny_mail_intf.c 1921 ThrdLogger Sess:45829:1:0 SMTP RCPT command failed Error (450) 4.1.2 <[email protected]>: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found
mm/dd hh:mm:ss.xx <server_name> pdm_mail_nxd 5072 SIGNIFICANT hunny_mail_intf.c 1211 Send Mail retry scheduled
Release: UAPMAC990JPP-12.6 or higher
Component: CA Service Desk Manager
The error normally indicates that the mail server is rejecting the email because of some settings on the SMTP server.
One way to fix this is to:
Do engage your SMTP Admin to ensure correct values are obtained and any other possible issues could be addressed at the same time.