Article ID: 187359
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The client successfully added a View database extent on their development LPAR, however they received a SARDBI01 message when allocating in their production LPAR:
SARDBI01 Index file allocation failed for VIEW.SYSTEM1 - ERROR=9700 INFO=0000 DS002
In the SARDBI01 message:
SARDBI01 Index file allocation failed for VIEW.SYSTEM1 - ERROR=9700 INFO=0000 DS002
ERROR=9700 indicates a dynamic allocation error.
As the client was able to successfully create a database extent successfully in development, yet were unable to in production, they were asked to find any difference between the environments.
The client reported that they have some DASD VOLSERs in their production LPAR that are not SMS managed.
They subsequently created the database extent on one of the packs that was not SMS managed, and the allocation ran successfully.