Client Automation 14.0 SP2 and SP3
1.- Job name "Test_EM_Rep1" with script:
NOTE: It has 238 'a' characters.
2.- Job name "Test_EM_Rep2" with script:
Assigning those 2 jobs to the same machine, and after they ran successfully, the problem appears and the first difference is seen on DSM Explorer:
Only the second job, the one with few characters, has something written on "Status Text". This can also be seen reviewing the properties of each job:
This behavior changes if the same both Asset Jobs are reviewing at Domain Manager level, where the output of the first job (long string) is shown correctly:
The content of this job can be seen on "statjob" Database table.
This patch needs to be applied only on EM and DM. There is a SQL file for schema change on database which needs to be executed on the Database on both EM and DM. This can be done through a file by updating server name details in the .BAT or directly executing the SQL command from .sql file on database. In case there is remote MDB, the SQL command needs to be executed directly on DB.