How to determine if a customized panel is being used with Endevor?
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How to determine if a customized panel is being used with Endevor?


Article ID: 187216


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After upgrading Endevor, when selecting one specific element on Archive Elements screen, Endevor displays all elements defined to the specified system/subsystem.  In the previous version only specified element was selected.  What could be causing the problem?


Release : 18.0   18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Most likely case is a customized version of the panel is being used.


To determine if a customized panel is being used, use the following steps:

1)  Log into Endevor and access the panel with the problem.

2)  On the Command line enter the command:     panelid
This will display the name of the panel in the upper left corner
3)  On the Command line enter the command:    tso isrddn
         This will display a list of the Current Data Set Allocation  libraries

4)  On the Comand line enter the command:   m xxxxxxx              where xxxxxx is the name of the panel from Step 2
         This will search all the data sets in the list for a member with that name

5)  The panel name may or may not be found in the CSIQLOAD library.
     Look for the ISPPLIB section for ISPF panel libraries.  The panel should only be found in the Endevor CSIQPENU or CSIQPJPN library.
         If it is found in other non-CSIQPxxx ISPPLIB libraries, delete or rename them.   
         If the wrong version of the CSIQPxxx library is being use, correct the Endevor CLIST or logon PROC

6)  Exit Endevor and log off the TSO ISPF session;  Log back on to ISPF, restart Endevor  and retest