Change password for CA NIM-SM
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Change password for CA NIM-SM


Article ID: 187100


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


How to change the CA NIM SM password:   

We are trying to open tickets in Service Now from OPSMVS via CA Normalized Integration Management (NIM) for Service Management (SM).  Looking at the documentation at it's been told to use user nimadmin and password nimadmin.  It is not working.  I am receiving a 403.  Where is that defined? Can I change it?  Can I create more users?  Which file I need to customize?




Release : 13.5

Component : OPS/MVS


You can change the nimadmin password via NIM GUI using the following steps:
1. Login to NIM application using nimadmin/nimadmin  and click on Authentication tab

2. Click on CA NIM User Configurations  and then it will display all user details  and click on the edit button for nimadmin so it will open a new pop up for password change.

Additional Information

Should further diagnosis be required, please open a support case and supply the following:


  1. Environment information such as what external security is being used, IBM RACF, CA ACF2, or CA Top Secret.
  2. Listing, including OMVS information, for the CCS Tomcat started task ID that houses this CA NIM SM instance.
  3. The complete joblog for the CCS Tomcat that houses this CA NIM SM instance
  4. a copy of any ENV or OPTIONS files that the CCS Tomcat started task is configured to use
  5. the complete "ls -l" output for the USS directories that the CCS Tomcat and CA NIM SM instance are using. Note, it is helpful to have the TOMCATPR task with DEBUG turned on.