Avoid adding "Resource - Enter Time" access right to new users
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Avoid adding "Resource - Enter Time" access right to new users


Article ID: 187067


Updated On: 09-26-2022


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When a new user is added in Clarity PPM, "Resource - Enter Time" access right gets added to that resource automatically. In our organization we don't use time entry so we don't want this right to be added to each user. This right will change view only license to restricted license and to keep all basic users in view only, we have to avoid this right by default.

We don't manually create users. It is automated from another system via XOG, hence we cannot remove this right manually after creating users.

We need a solution so this access right does not get added to users at all.


Release : 15.6



Prior to 16.0.3

When an user is created, the access right for 'Resource - Enter Time' automatically gets added and there is no way to prevent this from being added to every user on creation. The only way is to remove that right once the resource is created.

There is an option of deleting this right via XOG. Since users are auto created via XOG, you will need to amend your current process to first create as it is today and second step you can XOG out that same user, remove instance right called <Right id="ResourceEnterTime"> and XOG that same user back with <InstanceRights completed='true'> flag. Please keep in mind that it is important you add completed='true' because it is letting Clarity know that you are replacing rights, but it is also important that you also include other instance rights which user might have because it will completely replace your instance right, so essentially delete and re-add of what you included in your XOG input file.

Post 16.0.3

Users are not assigned 'Resource - Enter Time' Automatically. This is now dependent on whether the resource is Open for Time Entry or not.

Open for Time Entry is enabled -> "Resource - Enter Time" is added to the resource automatically

Open for Time Entry is Disabled -> "Resource - Enter Time" is removed from the resource automatically