End users may be reporting that the asterisk (*) character is missing on required fields when viewing a web UI form.
Additionally, when the SLA is violated for a ticket, in the Analyst web interface, tickets list, it is displayed in Red and with '**'.
In the Employee web interface it is instead displayed in Red followed by the string 'SLA Violation'; is it possible to change or to remove this string in the Employee interface?
Release: 17.x
Component: CA Service Desk Manager
These settings are managed in the web.cfg file.
Here is an extract of the section of the web.cfg file handling that:
----- ####################################################################### # The following properties provide values for the text appended to the # value or label of certain fields with special significance. There are # two variations of each indicator, one for the standard analyst UI, and # one for customer, employees, and analysts using a screen reader. ######################################################################## IndRequired " *" Required field IndRdrRequired " (required)" Required field (cust/emp/reader) IndAdvisory " *" Advisory announcement IndEmergency " **" Emergency announcement IndRdrAdvisory " (advisory)" Advisory announcement (cust/emp/reader) IndRdrEmergency " (emergency)" Emergency announcement (cust/emp/reader) IndSLAWarn " *" SLA Warning IndSLAViol " **" SLA Violation IndRdrSLAWarn " (SLA Warning)" SLA Warning (cust/emp/reader) IndRdrSLAViol " (SLA Violation)" SLA Violation (cust/emp/reader) IndTenantImplying " (T)" Tenant-implying IndRdrTenantImplying " (Tenant)" Tenant-implying (reader) IndTenantOptImplying " (TO)" Tenant-implying from tenant-optional table IndRdrTenantOptImplying " (Tenant Optional)" Tenant-implying tenant-opt (rdr)
For the missing asterisk on required fields, please check the setting IndRequired.
The 'SLA Violation' string displayed in Employee web interface, is set in the 'IndRdrSLAViol' entry.
If you like to remove this string, the correspondent entry in web,cfg file can simply be commented out:
IndRdrSLAViol " (SLA Violation)" SLA Violation (cust/emp/reader)
# IndRdrSLAViol " (SLA Violation)" SLA Violation (cust/emp/reader)
if you like to change the text, the specified string can be modified to meet your requirements.
After a change in the web.cfg file, a recycle of the Service Desk service is necessary.
Note 1: This is a change at the web interface level, if you have secondary servers, this change has to be done in the web.cfg file of all secondary servers. Note that web.cfg is the default name of the configuration file on the primary server, on the secondary servers the configuration file has a different name, SECONDARY-web1.cfg (SECONDARY is the name of the given secondary server)
Note 2: Please take a backup copy of the file(s) before doing any change.