Running a zIIP-configured MUF on an LPAR without zIIP engines
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Running a zIIP-configured MUF on an LPAR without zIIP engines


Article ID: 186992


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


If we alter the MUF startup parms to invoke use of a zIIP engine, will that environment run if we were to copy it over to our test LPAR, or DR site, which do not have a zIIP engine?


Component : CA DATACOM/DB

Component : CA DATACOM/AD


If you do not have zIIP processors available in other systems, these configuration changes will obviously not be used, but they also will not negatively affect your processing. When you code the MUF Startup Option SMPTASK with SRB, MUF runs in SRB mode on the hardware that is available.

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for CA Datacom if you have further questions.