CA-ACF2CICS V16.0.0 -- Getting ACFAE028 Reason Code 11 at startup
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CA-ACF2CICS V16.0.0 -- Getting ACFAE028 Reason Code 11 at startup


Article ID: 186970


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In attempting to bring a CICS region up under TS 5.3, z/OS 2.3, and with CA-ACF2 CICS V16.0.0, message ACFAE028 Reason Code 11 is seen at startup, which then fails. 


Release : 16.0

Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS


Several issues to check:

1) A common reason for the ACFAE028 message with 'RSN=11' is that ENF/CICS was not up at the time the CICS Region was being started. In general, 'RSN=11' indicates that ACF2/CICS is not communicating with ENF/CICS.

2) The CICSREL statement in the ENFPARM member used by the ENF STC may not be set to the load the module required for your release of CTS.

3) Common Services is back-leveled.

4) ACF2 CICS / CA Common Services compatibility

5) CAIENF CICS settings




1) Ensure that ENF/CICS is up before attempting to start any CICS region with ACF2/CICS.

2) Review the ENFPARM member used by the ENF STC and check if the CICSREL statement is set to load the module required for your release of CICS TS. The correct values are included as part of the CAIENF/CICS Control Options at this link.

3) Review the ENF StartUP from the JESMSGLG of the running ENF - look for CAS9075I messages that indicate current version and genlevel of the CA Common Services active. Apply maintenance to bring Common Services up to current levels.

The above, and related information, are covered in the online Doc at : 

- CA Common Services: CICS-ENF troubleshooting 

- CICS TS Compatibility matrix (ACF2 and CA Common Services)  (required PTFs)